The Three Things I’ll Miss the Most About Teaching

Depending on the source you believe, between 40% and 50% of teachers will leave the classroom in their first five years. In just over a month, I will be adding to that particular statistic by leaving teaching, possibly permanently. This will have been my fifth year teaching and the decision to change careers has not been one that came easily. It seems like each year there are more and more articles published in which former teachers and soon-to-be former teachers explain all the reasons why they are leaving teaching. At this point, it has all been said, often by professionals more eloquent and intelligent than I am.  If you want to know some of the reasons that so many teachers are leaving, Google “Why teachers quit” or check out this article, or this one, or this one. While those three articles range from informative to regretful to scathing and all have some viewpoints that I have shared at one time or another, I would rather end my tenure by reflecting on the three things I’ll miss the most.

1. The Kids (Most of the Time)

First off, it is time to admit that not all students get along with all teachers. Just like with adults, there are people you like and people you do not like. However, for the most part, I really like a lot of my kids, especially the ones who fly under the radar. By that I mean the kids who show up, do their work, laugh at my corny jokes, and are generally successful. Those are the students I feel bad for as I have to stop what I am doing and discipline the same students for the eighth time in a week.

Or any work

This is what you get for assigning homework.

Realistically, even some of the students who are “problem children” are some of my favorites. As a grown up ADHD kid, I fully understand the ones who are bouncing off of the walls and need to roam the classroom a bit more. Teaching primarily freshmen over the past five years has allowed me to see some very bright and interesting young people (especially the problem children) mature and develop into impressive young men and women. I will really miss trying to push kids out of their comfort zone and helping guide the ones who are willing to take that push and run with it.

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How to Fix Six Popular Sports

As a coach and sports enthusiast, I can say for certain that the world is seeing bigger, faster, and stronger athletes every year. However, the sports we love are often not changing at the same rate as the athletes; most sports are receiving only slight tweaks each year with the focus being primarily on safety. With the development of the ADHD generation (and the up-and-coming ADH-what’s-that-over-there-D generation), it’s time to make these sports more exciting for the casual and easily distracted viewer. To that end I present you my realistic (and way more awesome) proposals for how to fix six popular sports.

1. Baseball

The Problem: I have to start with baseball since I am a big time baseball hater. Watching baseball on TV is awesome when I want to take a nap. I will allow that a baseball game is much more entertaining in person, but still slightly less entertaining than watching paint dry with a hot dog and an $8 beer.

The Realistic Fix: While work is already being done to make the games shorter, something needs to be done about the length of the season. The regular season is 162 games. How in the world can games in the first half of the year feel meaningful if there is still 100 more coming? A lot of these games are broadcast while the masses are at work because they are borderline pointless. Between the insanely excessive regular season, the playoffs, and spring training (February is not spring, by the way), baseball is played almost year round. No sport should fill Sportscenter with highlights more than eight months. I won’t be greedy here; cut the season down to about half of the current length and games mean more, players rest longer during the offseason, and a larger percentage of the games will be seen live by the target audience.

The Way More Awesome Fix: Although Futurama took many of the best ideas with blernsball, major improvements could still be made to make baseball crazy awesome. Imagine baseball taking place with a ball that is more rubbery like a lacrosse ball and the field encased in a dome; there would be no more out of the park homeruns since the ball would be trapped in the field of play and the outfielders could catch the ball off the sides of the dome. Additionally, I say give all the basemen and the catcher an American Gladiators style blocking pad to knock the baserunner away from the base. No one makes fun of a player for packing on a little weight in the offseason when he trucks them on the way to first.

No one gets to first base safely. No one.

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Why Your Kid Should Totally Play Rugby

With rugby a year away from making a return to the Olympics, it is time for United States to embrace the sport as another opportunity to dominate (or at least partake in) international competition. “But Benn,” you say, “What does that have to do with me?” Well, person-who-doesn’t-read-the-title-of-blogs, you can help by getting your kid involved with a local club. I have been involved with rugby as a player and a coach for the last decade, starting within a week of my arrival at Christopher Newport University. In that time, rugby has had a major influence on my life, from helping me find a group of solid friends in college to helping me help kids fit in at the high school I teach.

It’s Football without Pads! 

Except that it’s not. Sure, there is an odd shaped ball and there is tackling, but that is about where the similarities end. Parents regularly ask me about this and I tell them all the same thing: football is a game of position and rugby is a game of possession. In rugby, the best tackle is not necessarily one in which you lay out the other player or prevent his forward progress, but rather a tackle that allows you to get back into the game quickly. If that means that a 300 lb prop is running with the ball at a 175 lb wing, no one faults the wing for performing a slip tackle; essentially tripping up the opposing player and allowing him to gain the extra yard in exchange for ensuring a tackle. The wing certainly appreciates the opportunity to get up quickly enough to steal the ball and make a scamper up the sideline.

Additionally, to coach tackle rugby (the younger ages are typically touch rather than tackle), a coach must be level 200 certified. A level 200 certification requires a concussion course, a course on the basic rules of rugby, and a class in which coaches are taught the basics of safe rugby tackling and coaching. Safe tackling is one of the first things that I teach players and I do not allow players to participate in any full contact drills until I or another level 200 certified coach have given the player direct instruction and have seen the player tackle safely. The way in which rugby players are taught to tackle caught the attention of one of the more arguably forward thinkers in the NFL, Pete Carroll, several years ago.

Surely the lack of pads would cause more unsafe play and an increased number of injuries though, right? Well, according to the National Safety Council, not so much. Even if you allow for the difference in the sheer number of participants in both sports, rugby has a much lower rate of injury in the United States than football. The presence of a helmet and pads can lend a feeling of invulnerability that just is not present without pads. The lack of a helmet also takes away a potential weapon as Hines Ward, commonly viewed as one of the toughest receivers in the history of the NFL, states in an interview.

There are strict rules against unsafe tackling in rugby. Penalties include the oft reprimanded high tackle, tackling without an attempt to wrap, and dump tackles and can result in anything from a warning to a red card. According to the International Rugby Board, high tackle can be called if the player attempts to tackle an opponent “above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders.” A tackler must also wrap up the other player, rather than delivering a spear or the flying shoulder/helmet combo often seen in football. A dump tackle can be called any time in which a player’s opponent is lifted off of the ground and opponent’s feet are failed to be put back on the ground before the rest of his/her body. All of these rules ensure that safety is of paramount importance, especially at the youth level. Continue reading