The Big Mo!

I’ve always thought that momentum has a massive effect on how a day goes. With some momentum, I can roll through a day of teaching and coach afterwards then still get stuff done. However, when I feel like I can’t get a rhythm going, even getting off the couch can be hard.

When I began this blog about two and half years ago, I intended to make it a weekly(ish) blog to replace posting constant Facebook statuses about different crazy things that have happened while I have been teaching. Thus far, I have not even come close to achieving that goal. Time has been part of the issue, but a lack of ideas that I thought anyone would want to read about has also been issue. BUT, after a bout of equal parts boredom and motivation on Friday night, I wrote about why I coach. At some point this week or weekend, I should have “Why I Teach” written.

So what I need from you are some topics you want to hear about so that I can keep the momentum going! What do you wish you knew about teaching or coaching? Or a particular educational theory? Or rugbying? Or the life of a teacher outside of school? Or…other…stuff? I will provide the disclaimer that there are certain things that, as an actively employed teacher, I’m not particularly comfortable posting on the internet. So comment on this sucker and give me some ideas! Help me help you!